Saturday 12 November 2011

Laid up for Winter 20th October 2011

I recently uncovered the boat and found that the single sheet of plastic tarpaulin had not been keeping the damp from underneath the cover. The green tarpaulin although large is not of the best quality. I have now put in addition a better quality plastic sheet which is made up of several layers. It is not as large but it does cover the cockpit and the cabin. The damp had some damage although it may not be permanent. The damp had allwed mold to grow on a canvas hanging pockets in the cabin which is now going have to be replaced. Mold has also accumulated on the inflatable dinghy cover which was stored outside in the cockpit.

I have now a number of projects for the next season.

Replace and make set of canvas hanging pockets.
Replace the cleat for the jib sheets.
Complete the fittings for a foresail pole out.
Service outboard.